
Thanks for all your good words which I devour but there/their?!

Schoolboy error and an annoying comment I know?!


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Is the pdf version also available (for those of us not living in the US who don't want to wait) ?

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congrats! I'm curious who eats the cost of the binding and stamping redos. i hope it's not you guys.

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Depends. If the Quality Control people at the factory reject something, it's no charge to us. If we reject something that QC accepts, then it's on us.

QC nixed the first press run of the book blocks. So the printer ate that expense.

We nixed the cover stamp. So that's on us.

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I was going to comment on the there/their grammar error, but I saw it was already edited in the Substack post. Just the trace of it was left in the email! Looking forward to ordering it soon.

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Excellent! I've been waiting to jump on this since the original announcement.

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Are you putting in Canada with "overseas"? The St. Lawrence is pretty wide... Only asking because I can't seem to buy it from the hinterlands here.

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Hoping for confirmation LV is going to pick it up!

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Lee Valley is pretty good aboot stocking LAP books, it just takes them a while.

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yup, happy to wait for that. Just prefer to buy direct from authors/publishers when possible.

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You make book publishing sound like the most fun career ever... sorta like paper cuts...

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Fantastic. Hoping UK resellers consider stocking this title.

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I cannot wait. This is the book I wished I had in design school when they were teaching us how to use scripting to make renderings and 3D prints of parametric blobs…

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