Thanks Chris, Love your writting. I find that it is hard to truly dislike anyone, once you see through the bulshit armour that people wear to defend themselves against the world they fear and see the normal vulnerable human underneath. Our opinions about others say more about us thatn them. Yes, we are all the same messed up sacks of meat trying to make sense of the world we were born into.

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So il tu nome!

Il suo nome è...Amor!

(Or maybe just a fellow man)

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I've never had even a minor nemesis. I am sort of the opposite, though I don't know what it's called -- I tend to not see ill intent, even when it's obvious to everyone else.

I've know people who MUST always have an arch nemesis. It seems that once a year they find a new one to replace the old. Honestly, it seems time consuming and exhausting.

"Every woman who cries out, "Dear God! What is that thing," will echo in your perfect ears."

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I can't read this without a Jonathan Coulton song running through my head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX2eEICejB0

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Aaaah spite. My favorite emotion.

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I was madly in love once (or more) having fallen desperately for a woman who told me in no uncertain terms not to. She broke things off regularly.

Then, one time it stuck, as she had found an extraordinarily talented man who she fancied and who (for a time) fancied her.

“He” was the pillory I imagined maintained my desperation and sense of perpetual denial of success and happiness: MY Arch-nemesis ™

Eventually I found (some) success, AND True Love ™. And my True Love ™ threw herself a birthday party, and then I was forced to meet him: my Arch-nemesis (and soon to be brother-in-law)!

I introduced myself and asked him if he was ready to bury the hatchet as it were. It turned out he had never had had any idea that he was the evil villain of my life, and we are now, of course friends.

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Your wit and witticism and, indeed, wisdom regularly delight and inspire me. Five dollars a month hardly seems fair recompense, but ‘twill do; ‘twil serve

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I've read this a few times now. Not to try and identify anyone but because it was such an odd journey. Not in a bad way, I think this is a compliment.

It's hard to tell how much of this counts as shitposting but I very much needed a distraction tonight and this ended up being it. There are a few articles of yours that I come back to often, this feels like another useful one. Not sure how yet though.

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Curse you, Perry the Platypus!

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How would someone go about and find an archnemesis? Craigslist ad? Tinder?... if someone would like to be one, send me a resume and a couple of references and I'll look it over.

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Please don't ever stop shit posting, no matter what the reason is that you do it.

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You made me look up another word….

My arch-nemesis was my father.

It came as quite a shock when a friend pointed it out to me. I actually shut up for a few moments which is unusual.

It’s good to have friends who are smarter than you.

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Hmmm, being quite critical of my own woodworking shortcomings, I think I have an arch nemesis built into my own psyche. No need to go searching for another one.

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I thought this one was going to end with a revelation about ill fitting shoes...

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Hmmm , who's my arch nemesis gonna be??

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Great stuff Chris. Getting my money’s worth.

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